28mm AWI

28mm AWI

Sunday, October 13, 2024

A Traveller Ballad


The Song of Kane Basquiat

Verse 1 (10/11/2024)

Sailing my Bashful Lady
Minoan bound
Captain Chin
Steady at the helm
But lo, sickness befalls the land
M'peeple suffer, till vaccination is in hand.
But vaccination
not salvation
Doctor Du, know dat true.
He fix us good,
but the natives go mental.
Back to the ship,
we must go
But Long Term Parking so far away

Mayor of Little Minoa
She gives a gift
Location of an Uppee
An all terrain skiff

The Uppee is blocked
By desperate refugee
Through tender words they assuage
To accompany

Throughout the land
Neighbor fight Neighbor
Avoiding conflict
Our days labour

Long Term Parking blocked
By gangs of fury
But one of their friends
We have with thee

The deal was made in airlock
But security on its way
So the peaceful exchange exploded
Into a bloody fray

The Crazies are defeated
Commander Chin the great slayer
But would Security let us in?
Yes! We have Multi-pass from the Mayor

Back to Bashful Lady
Leaving Minoa behind
Not without danger
But missiles could not find
My Bashful Lady

The peaceful embrace of the expanse
Not to last
We have on board tracker
Sword class closing fast

Brave Doctor Du
Space walk with the Beacon
Throw that cruiser off our trail
Roundabout we reach
Our destination

Onto planet Talas
A Scientist we must find
Origin of the Crazy Vaccine
Locked up in his mind

Searching the man's office
But no sign of him there
Up to Doctor Yankee Du
Hack d' man's hard drive and CPU

Follow trail of other lady
Scientist at the lab
She go missing with her son
Supposed to be at resort
Having fun

But she no there
We looken high and low
All we finds is off world soldiers
Lurking on the down lo

Contact with our Patron
The divine Miss Kitty
She give us a hook up
In the seedy side of city

Meet informant at Alley Cat
To the Doc he gives some clues
But then shows up them off world mercs
And informant slips the noose.

Alone again with our Bashful Lady
Facing the expanse

The Lyrics:  Kane Basquiat, ships steward and lounge singer (matt)

The Violence:  Commander Chin, ships captain (Roger)

The Science: Doctor Yankee Du, ships Doctor (Claudio)

The Expanse:  DM Eric